Children’s Myopia Control and Orthokeratology

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ids and young adults are becoming more myopic (nearsightedness) with asthenopia (eyestrain and headache) due to tablets, smartphones and computers, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) are customised contact lenses proven to significantly and effectively slow down and treat nearsightedness safely! These are worn while you sleep to “reshape” your cornea overnight, which gives you corrected vision the next day, and therefore is for all patients – even with high nearsighted prescription – who want to be free from spectacles and contact lenses during the day!

Many has asked me if ortho-k work on their long-sightedness hence replace their reading glasses? In Centre Eyes, we will customise your ortho-k for your visual need with GOV(R) patented technology! Therefore, book our Orthokeratology clinic today to experience our comprehensive orthokeratology solution for you, whether long-sighted or nearsighted.

Triumphant orthokeratology Bull's Eye paten has rectified the not-so-successful laser surgery result.

Better eyesight leads to a better vision!


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